Aftermarket Specialties Inc.
www.aftermkt.comThe Everest multizone management system features a user-friendly, digital-control keypad and sub-control thermostats for up to eight zones. Key features include motorized dampers, bypass damper control, and plug-in wiring. The system is suitable for light commercial and residential applications and can be installed on new or existing heat pump and air conditioning systems (up to 6 tons) with a furnace. According to the manufacturer, this system allows existing systems to use up to 60 percent less energy.
eProduct #200
www.aprilairecontractor.comThe Aprilaire Retrofit Zoned Comfort damper is installed through a cutout in the side of a 6-inch branch duct. This damper provides speedy installation and operates with standard 24-V zone panels, minimizing system cost, the company said. Reliability is ensured due to the damper's field-proven "flexible-link" drive system, the company said. The damper features an LED that lights to indicate when the damper is closed.
eProduct #201
Automated Ceiling Registers
www.automatedceilingregisters.comThe MicroFlow 2000J allows automated airflow control at each ceiling register. This approach allows the user to decide just how much conditioned air is introduced into each room of a commercial or residential building. Cooling and heating cost reductions of 50 percent or more during peak usage hours, and 25 percent over daily periods, have been demonstrated using the new system, according to the company. The ceiling registers eliminate the noise, dust accumulation, and rusting associated with conventional metal registers. A complete home system can be controlled with a single wall switch.
eProduct #202
www.bryant.comThe Evolution control is the command center for the Bryant Evolution System, providing integrated temperature, humidification/dehumidification, indoor air quality, ventilation, and zoning control from one location. It includes an easy-to-read, large, backlit display; user-friendly programmability; advanced communication capabilities; and maintenance notifications. The Evolution zoning system and zone control provide the benefits of the standard Evolution system and control with the additional benefit of being able to manage up to eight zones. The system does not require a bypass damper, leaving an air temperature sensor or a separate transformer installed in the field.
eProduct #203
www.carrier.comCarrier's Three Zone system allows homeowners to divide their homes into as many as three separately controlled comfort zones. A fully programmable thermostat in each zone offers the ability to create personalized comfort schedules. The Performance Series ComfortZone II and Infinity control provide the opportunity to fine-tune home comfort with control of up to eight zones. The Infinity control offers the added benefit of day-at-a-glance programming and service alerts and reminders.
eProduct #204
Honeywell Automation & Control Solutions
www.honeywell.comThe EnviraZone advanced residential zoning system uses the 1-2-3 wire configuration to simplify installation. An "automatic discovery" feature facilitates installation because the EnviraZone system virtually configures itself, the company says. The system's Zone of Greatest Demand technology is said to anticipate a home's demand for heating and cooling, helping to create a more efficient heating-cooling system and offering potential savings of up to 30 percent on energy bills, according to the company. The technology reduces damper cycling by 15 percent.
eProduct #205
International Diversified Marketing
www.idmnow.comThe Comfort First filtered diffuser features four-way adjustable airflow; four filters cover each discharge point internally, filtering air as it enters the room. The high-efficiency electrostatic filters remove pollutants as small as 0.3 microns. By preventing airflow discharging straight down, complaints of drafts and reactions to duct pollution are eliminated, according to the company.
eProduct #206
Jackson Systems
www.jacksonsystems.comThe new Retro Damper is a retrofit zone control damper. Contractors can use this product to add zone control to any existing home. Due to the lower power consumption of the actuator, individuals can connect up to 20 dampers directly to a zone control panel. The Retro Damper uses standard thermostat wire and will work with almost any zone control panel, according to the company. It is available in sizes from 5 to 10 inches and can work with up to 30 dampers per system.
eProduct #207
Robertshaw Zoning Products
www.icca.invensys.comRobertshaw zone products are designed to cover applications ranging from residential two-zone systems to light commercial systems expandable to 19 zones. All panels feature the company's Home Run wiring that connects HVAC system equipment directly to the panel with Quick Connect wiring. All panels are universally compatible with electric, gas, oil, or heat pump equipment; the Premier Panel can control up to four stages of heat and three stages of cooling. The system incorporates multiple thermostats and dampers, which control air distribution.
eProduct #208
www.ruskin.comRuskin expanded its Zone Control Damper (ZCD) Series to include a zone-balancing line and increased options. The Valueflo Balancing Damper (VFBD) line is used to dial-in and maintain branch airflow. This complete line of zone damper products was designed to meet the increased demand for zone-specific products combined with individual controls. Added options range from thermostats to integral airflow-measuring stations. According to the manufacturer, the ZCD and VFBD products are well suited for retrofit applications as well as new construction.
eProduct #209
www.zoneatrol.comRetro-Round insertable zone dampers feature a state-of-the-art motor actuator that allows the installer to just plug in the motor. The DC-powered motor is able to be wired using standard telephone wire with RJ11 plugs. The damper is installed into any existing round metal duct. Its unique, patent-pending design ensures a lifetime of operation; the damper blade also remains level in the duct, according to the company. To install, cut a 1-inch-wide slot (the diameter of the damper) lengthwise along the duct. Slide the damper into the duct; secure with sheet metals screws provided with the damper.
eProduct #210
Publication date: 05/16/2005