COURSE TITLE:Educational Program in Instructor Certification - Residential EPIC Training

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:Air Conditioning Contractors of America

DATE:April 20-23, 2010

LOCATION:Arlington, Va.

COURSE DESCRIPTION:This train-the-trainers course teaches people who will subsequently serve as instructors to entry-level students learning the ACCA HVAC design process using standard-setting manuals and materials from ACCA’s Environmental Systems Library. This class is taught by ACCA technical consultant and author of the industry standard Manual J, Hank Rutkowski. Upon completion of the course exam, the attendee is recognized by ACCA as an EPIC instructor. Prerequisites for attendees include having considerable exposure and familiarity with HVAC design procedures and having a certain level of computer skills; see the class Web page for more prerequisite

COURSE TITLE:Re-Energize Your Sales Force: Selling Skills Training Program

SPONSORING ORGANIZATION:Mechanical Service Contractors of America

DATE:April 28-30, 2010


COURSE DESCRIPTION:This class has been updated and improved to ensure HVAC sales professionals have the skills and expertise they need to be successful in today’s economic climate, helping them improve their sales effectiveness and gain a better understanding of the qualities needed to differentiate the company as the value-added leader. Topics to be explored during the session include selling services in a competitive environment, prospecting techniques that get results, first appointment - lasting impression, strategies for differentiation, communicating with success, and presenting your recommendations. The course is open to both members and

To find out when and where these courses are offered or to find out about other course offerings, click on “Training Track” in the left column.

Publication date:03/29/2010