The HVAC Guide™ guided probe tester is a digital diagnostic test instrument that leads the technician, step-by-step, through critical HVAC tests, including superheat, subcooling, target evaporator exit temp, and combustion analysis. It gives a step-by-step guide to performing critical tests quickly and accurately on every call, a record of each test performed to ensure proper testing procedures are followed in the field, and valuable customer and system data for record keeping and job tracking. It uses modular instrument accessory heads to automatically input data or the technician can use traditional tools, such as pressure gauges and thermometers already in his bag, to manually input test data into the tester. The test is date and timed stamped and can be saved and downloaded to a computer. The tester stores up to 200 individual tests that are downloaded to the technician's PC via a USB interface. Tests are identified using a unique customer or system ID determined and input by the contractor or his technicians. The included software generates an electronic record of every downloaded test and provides contractors and technicians with customizable work orders, customer records, and/or system records in spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) format.

Fieldpiece Instruments Inc.