Company: CO2Meter
Product: Industrial Fixed Gas Detectors
Description: CO2Meter’s line of industrial fixed gas detectors are designed to monitor gases across a multitude of applications and environments. The industrial gas safety series will measure across a multitude of gas concentrations and ranges, protecting employees working near hazardous gases in the field. With environmentally adaptive industrial enclosures, these devices also create advantages for both harsh and wash-down environments. One line of industrial gas detectors CO2Meter provides is the CM-900 series, designed to measure low oxygen or high carbon dioxide concentrations to protect employees and staff should accidental leaks or releases occur. Delivering frequent and accurate measurements, the CM-900 series allows users to feel secure knowing audible and visual alarms will activate notifying of an unsafe condition. For those looking to identify a broader spectrum of gases, CO2Meter provides the MSC2 Multi-Gas Fixed Industrial Detector series, designed to monitor across toxic, flammable, and inert gases. The MSC2 versatility makes them suitable for multiple industries, including manufacturing, petrochemical, hydrogen monitoring, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and much more.
Contact: (877) 678-4259;
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