Meet all of the 2022 Top 40 Under 40 HVACR Professionals
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Chris Kelley

Company: Sid Harvey Industries
Title: Branch Manager
Age: 35

Chris Kelley successfully manages one of Sid Harvey’s highest performing/highest volume branches. The branch is located in Medford, N.Y.

He was hired by Sid Harvey about nine years ago as a counter salesperson with no previous HVACR experience and has proven himself to be one of the top branch managers with extensive knowledge of the HVACR industry.

“Coming into the industry was a very overwhelming undertaking because I had no prior training or experience in the HVAC trade, other than knowing what an air conditioner was or what a heating unit was. Truth be told, I was not even all that familiar with the difference between a boiler and a furnace when I first started. However, I learned quite a lot in a short period of time, and that is largely due to having someone with a vast amount of knowledge take the time and teach me the essentials of the industry — that person being Sean Harvey,” Chris said.

Chris was promoted to branch manager of Medford in February 2018. In a little over four years, Chris has grown sales in the branch by over 60%.

“I have dedicated a lot of time to developing my relationships with existing and new customers, and I feel that has helped tremendously with my success. I am also very proud of building a team that has proven to be a resource and asset to our customers, a team that is instrumental in the success of the branch, the success of the company, and the success of our customers. I believe nowadays it’s very hard to find and retain talented people, and being able to do so is a major win in my book,” Chris said.