Company: ClimateMaster® Inc.

Product: Dedicated Outdoor Air System

Description: These systems, released in capacities ranging from 6 to 40 tons, are responsible for bringing outdoor air into buildings, which is not only mandated by ASHRAE Standard 62 but also creates improved air quality for building occupants. The line offers a flexible design platform that supports numerous applications, including air-cooled heating, air-cooled heat pumping, water source heat pumping, and geothermal heat pumping. Features include high-efficiency scroll compressors, optimized heat transfer, and variable speed condenser fans with EC motors and modulating control that exceed ASHRAE 90.1 standards. It has fully-integrated DDC controls that provide an open protocol for BACnet, LonWorks, Modbus, and N2. The 2-inch, double-wall cabinet contains R-13 insulation with a thermal break to minimize heat transfer and provide a moisture barrier throughout. Its friction hinges and quarter-turn handles are specifically designed to ease entry into control and access compartments. A slide-out, double-sloped, stainless steel drain pan provides easy access to the energy recovery wheel.

Contact: 800-299-9747,, eProduct 182   

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