BOULDER, Colo. — Between 2009 and 2012, there were steady declines in consumer favorability for energy and environmental concepts such as solar and wind energy, according to an annual national survey by Navigant Research. In the latest consumer survey, however, favorability has rebounded. In particular, positive overall impressions of solar energy are now reported by 79 percent of Americans — a level close to the results of 2009, when 81 percent of the respondents had a favorable view of solar energy.
The average favorability rating for the 10 concepts, which fall under the categories of clean energy, clean transportation, smart grid, and building efficiency, also rose, to 51 percent, the highest level seen in Navigant Research’s survey since 2010.
“Solar energy is one of the most popular and least controversial green technologies in the eyes of consumers,” said Clint Wheelock, managing director of Navigant Research. “But it is followed closely by wind energy, which gained a favorable response from 72 percent of Americans.”
The survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults asked respondents to provide their level of favorability for the following concepts: solar energy, wind energy, nuclear power, hybrid vehicles, electric cars, natural gas vehicles, biofuels, smart grid, smart meters, and LEED certification.
The survey results are summarized in a free white paper, which is available for download at the Navigant Research website.
Publication date: 4/14/2014
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