Johnson Controls Inc.: Ductless Mini-Split A/C Units and Heat PumpsDuctless mini-split air conditioners and heat pumps have been added to the York® Affinity™ Series and LX Series product lines to provide more heating and cooling options to homeowners and commercial building operators. The compact, energy-efficient units deliver cooling or heating to structures without installing air handlers and ductwork, permitting them to be installed in homes without ductwork. Designed for room additions or remodels, many of the ductless units can also be used in commercial applications, especially to condition computer-server rooms. Most Affinity models have ratings ranging from 16-27 SEER and as high as 10 HSPF. The mini-splits use a cold-blow prevention feature that slightly delays the indoor fan at the start of a cycle to make sure the air comes out warm to keep room occupants comfortable. They have the ability to work in outdoor temperatures ranging down to 5°F, without resorting to electric backup heating. The units offer the option to install the water drainage outlet on either the right or left side of the indoor unit. They come with a wireless remote controller.

Johnson Controls Inc.

eProduct 183 

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