WASHINGTON - The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, the source of Federal government spending on vocational trade programs such as HVACR, has made changes regarding accountability and program improvement for career and technical education (CTE). The changes to the Perkins Act of 2006 effects both secondary (high school) and post secondary (community college, college, etc.) education. Some of the new requirements include: documentation of competency, student attainment of an industry-recognized credential when possible, professional development, and in-service training for career and technical teachers.
The act is also requiring that annual reports be written, detailing core performance indicators of CTE students. Educator certification will be required too. Instructors will have to validate that they have mastered the subject matter needed to teach the competencies in their curriculum. According to No Child Left Behind (NCLB) standards, technician certification does not constitute educator certification.
Accountability is the primary issue addressed by the new Perkins IV. The act ensures that taxpayer dollars are being spent on programs that provide students with employment ready skills for the jobs of the 21st century. According to HVAC Excellence, the HVACR industry will benefit from assurance of competent instructors and better-trained entry-level technicians.
To read the full text of the act, visit http://thomas.loc.gov.
Publication date:01/15/2007