Americans nationwide say that adjusting the temperature in their hotel rooms is their number one priority upon checking in, taking precedence over turning on the TV or checking out the mini-bar, a Trane Home Comfort Institute survey has found.
Tough and challenging times will surely come for a business leader. That is a given. Certainly, many would say that we are currently living in tough and challenging times. The question is, what kind of leadership will we demonstrate during those times?
In this installment of the Btu Buddy series, Bob gets a service call from the dispatcher who says a residence with a very sick lady is getting very hot. Bob needs to cool off a hot compressor and get the A/C system working quickly.
For nearly 50 years, fiberglass insulation has been used as a component of air duct systems to maintain comfort and IAQ. This article reviews insulation types, provides an installation overview, and discusses fiberglass duct insulation and IAQ.
Starting the cooling season with a dirty condenser or poor quality lubrication is a sure way to decrease system performance and increase chances for equipment breakdowns during periods of high cooling load. Remind customers of the importance of a clean condenser and high quality lubrication.
In the first installment, we discussed how the values of contracting businesses have come full circle in approximately six years. This article outlines a few key areas to consider when formulating purchase price.
A Southeastern governmental organization was convinced that updating its multiple HVAC installations with variable-frequency AC drives would achieve energy savings and lower maintenance costs. Its regulations as a county, however, required proof. A local contractor provided it.
By helping your customers apply the predictive approach to maintenance, downtime can be avoided and costs can be reduced. The advantage to the service contractor is that maintenance work can be planned and performed on a regular schedule.
In this second installment of the Btu Buddy series, Bob and Btu Buddy perform an emergency service call. They determine the most efficient way to repair and charge an air conditioning system for an office building.