The makers of Visio Technical 5.0 Plus, design software for building architects, planners, and engineers, have come up with two solutions to common problems facing hvac contractors today.

Problem 1:

Hvac contractors want to cut the field operation costs of engineering, installing, and commissioning hvac systems. Designing hvac systems is a time-consuming, detail-oriented job.

Realizing that the time required to engineer, install, and commission these systems affect both customer service and revenues, contractors are interested in improving the process.

Solution 1:

Visio Corp.’s 5.0 Plus is a suite of software tools that allows an application engineer to generate the appropriate documentation and databases necessary for system installation. The tools also help eliminate duplication of effort.

For example, in the past, salespeople would sketch a system and the engineering group would have to redo most of the work. By using Visio Technical, salespeople can develop quotes by creating a graphical representation of a customer’s system from a mechanical perspective, the company says.

The software is said to span the needs of 2-D technical drawing professionals and is a useful tool for hvac designs. Contractors can use 5.0 Plus to improve their systems, cut field operation costs, and produce a more efficient supply chain process, the company says.

Problem 2:

Design engineers tend to spend too much time generating drawings and less time working with customers. Because of the complexity of CAD software, it is difficult for many people who could have benefited from using the drawings — such as sales reps — from accessing them, much less working with them.

Solution 2:

Visio Technical 5.0 Plus can be incorporated as part of a Windows®-based desktop solution, to streamline the process of creating and sharing technical drawings.

One benefit of using this software is that it simplifies the computing environment. According to a company spokesperson, “Visio Technical makes it possible to move from a complex world of CAD to a much simpler world of Windows desktop drawing tools.

“We went from 4,000 CAD symbols in our previous CAD package down, to 200 Visio ‘SmartShapes.’ This simplicity is driving a great deal of value. We’ve reduced our engineering costs significantly.

“Visio Technical can help produce savings of 20% to 40% in engineering costs and time. The SmartShapes were advantageous too. They can be used as generic symbols, but they’re able to change behavior based on how they’re used.”

In addition, since Visio Technical can read CAD files in DWG format, field engineers can work with the company’s thousands of existing drawings.

If you would like more information on Visio Technical 5.0, call 800-248-4746, or visit (website).
