The Model HK2000 fresh air intake and economizer panel provides control of residential and commercial heating and cooling systems. In the fresh air mode, the unit has the flexibility to bring in as much or as little fresh air as is needed. The cycle timer is adjustable from zero (off) to 12 cycles (continuous) per hour. The panel can control exhaust air and return air as well as fresh air intake, to prevent overpressurization in homes and buildings. The economizer mode of the unit allows for the use of outside air to satisfy the need of indoor cooling. This mode of free cooling is monitored and controlled using several methods: the dry bulb method, enthalpy mode, and mechanical cooling assistance mode.

EWC Controls, 385 Hwy 33, Englishtown, NJ 07726; 800-446-3110; 732-446-5362 (fax);

eProduct 181