The KC1000 natural gas and propane-fired boilers, which have flexible venting, are energy efficient, quiet, and cost effective to operate, states the company. A condensing design eliminates secondary piping, and 14:1 modulation supports ±2 degrees F temperature control to achieve 95-percent seasonal efficiency, according to the manufacturer. Each 1-MBtu unit has the dimensions 78 inches (height) by 22 inches (width) by 57 inches (depth). Control software integrates with energy management systems and can be accessed remotely. According to the company, the boilers can be equipped to meet NOx emissions standards.

AERCO International, 159 Paris Ave., Northvale, NJ 07647; 800-526-0288 or 201-768-2400; 201-768-7789 (fax);

eProduct #196