Flat Rate Plus™ 2002 is the company’s newest version of its flat-rate pricing software. This version incorporates features and enhancements that customers have requested. Among the improvements to the software are one to six columns of pricing that are independently controlled with column names, labor rates, and parts discounts; a new “find and replace” feature that allows the user to replace words found in task categories, tasks, item categories, and items; a new Web Update Utility, which will automatically check the Web for updates to Flat Rate Plus™ and then update the program; ability to export all reports in Adobe™ .pdf format, thus allowing flat-rate books to be put on disk and taken to a commercial printer; and the Quick Price Changer, which allows you to select multiple item categories for price updating.

MrHVAC.com, 8877 Bourgade, Lenexa, KS 66219-1403; 866-267-4822 or 913-492-9930; 913-492-9933 (fax); sales@mrhvac.com (e-mail); www.mrhvac.com (website).

eProduct #193