The Firex® 2650-660 ionization and 2650-661 photoelectric duct smoke detectors feature a small footprint, measuring 9- by 7- by 2.25-in. for installation in tight places, says the company. The ionization model can be placed in areas reaching up to 155°F. These detectors are interconnectable with up to 30 models. They come with common or individual remote reset, fan shutdown relay operation, and alarm indication with a red LED, horn, and strobe. Capabilities include common or individual head removed remote indication and one horn/strobe operation for up to 15 detectors.

Maple Chase Co., an Invensys company, 2820 Thatcher Rd., Downers Grove, IL 60515; 630-719-5500; 630-719-4400 (fax); (website).

eProduct #187

Publication date: 06/11/2001
