This fall, the Healthy Indoor Partnership's (HIP's) webinar series continues with the following scheduled events:
Nov. 14, 2006: News and Views About Lighting and Health
A new understanding of how light influences a person has excited many lighting designers and researchers. Some argue that new forms of interior lighting might improve the health and well being of people in everyday environments, and that updated lighting recommendations should have this aim. September 2006 saw the Second CIE (international) Expert Symposium on Lighting and Health occur in Ottawa. Based on the symposium presentations, this webinar will introduce you to the latest thinking on topics such as: non-visual photoreception of light, cancer risks of shift work, effects of dim and bright everyday environments on mood, and future directions for lighting practice.
Presenter: Jennifer Veitch, National Research Council of Canada's Institute for Research in Construction.
Dec. 12, 2006: Children's Health and Indoor Environments
Emerging research suggests that indoor dust is an ongoing source of contaminants, particularly for children. Dust can contain pollutants tracked in from outside, indoor pesticides, lead from old paint, and particles from consumer products. Find out more about dust and children, as well as other key children's environmental health issues. You'll also be introduced to new resources for service providers and parents with tips that promote "childproofing for environmental health."
Presenters: Loren Vanderlinden and Jill McDowell, Toronto Public Health.
Winter and Spring Webinars
Jan. 9, 2007: Indoor/outdoor pollutant ratios
Feb. 13, 2007: The Net Zero Energy Healthy Housing Initiative
March 13, 2007: Health Canada revises residential exposure guideline for radon
April 17, 2007: Indoor air - an unidentified capital
May 8, 2007: Web-enabled monitors for improved air quality and energy conservation
June 12, 2007: Buyer's guide to low-emission products and services
To register or for more information, go to
Publication date: 11/06/2006