Company: DiversiTech Corp.

Product: Flex Inject Sealant Total

Description: Featuring a UV dye, the product allows contractors to identify and fix a/c system leaks. The push-button valve with a misting orifice releases the sealant and the dye, which travels with the oil and refrigerant within the system at the same time, ensuring no liquid slugging occurs. As they travel together, the UV dye exposes leaks and hairline cracks in yellow (with a UV light), while the sealant fixes leaks. The flexibility of the hose allows for easy maneuvering and adjustment. Not only does this sealant address leaks, it stays active in the system for up to 10 years, continuously fixing leaks.

Contact: 800-995-2222;;

eProduct 181

Publication date: 5/24/2018

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