SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Building Data, a provider of building information modeling (BIM) solutions for the construction industry, has announced the launch of SysQue™ Revit® MEP Fabrication Solutions. According to the company, SysQue is a cloud-based software application developed to enable designers, engineers, and contractors to detail in Autodesk® Revit® MEP using real-world, manufacturer-specific content that’s ready for fabrication and meets the detailing, fabrication, manufacturing, and installation requirements of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) contractors.

SysQue’s added level of detail in Revit MEP solves the problem of MEP engineers and contractors working from different models, making collaboration easier across the entire project team and improving insight to the constructability of building elements, said the company.

Out-of-the-box Revit MEP components, known as “Families,” appear in the building model as inexplicit representations of the actual mechanisms used in constructing MEP and HVAC building services. Together with SysQue, Revit MEP is enhanced to model those services with actual manufacturer materials and sizes including part name and number, material cost, labor values, submittal documents, procurement part numbers, and Excel reporting — making the Revit model data-rich and ready for a number of additional functions including cost analysis, prefabrication, manufacturing, and installation, the company said.

SysQue Data includes detailed Revit MEP Families with valves, connections, and joints, which allows for detailed coordination models. SysQue Systems logic includes weld gaps, bolts, gaskets, and flanges for any flanged valve. And, SysQue Spool allows modeling mechanical piping and plumbing to LOD 400 directly in Revit MEP, suitable for fabricating isometric spools.

Lewis Wolcott, Building Data’s chief technology officer, said, “By developing Revit MEP manufacturer content to include systems with materials and sizes based on actual manufacturer products by name and part number, SysQue has truly bridged the gap between design intent and detailing. This long sought-after innovation turns Revit MEP into a fabrication solution for engineers and contractors with Revit deliverables.”

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Publication date: 4/1/2013