Editor’s note: This letter is in response to Herb Woerpel’s editorial, “Don’t Just Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk,” Dec. 23, 2013.
Getting Along with Others in the Industry
I feel Herb Woerpel’s pain. We’ve been trying for the past two years to get past the noise that “you have to measure airflow” in order to evaluate cooling performance. You would think we were talking about magic and not simple mathematics.
If the question is, “Can’t we all just get along?” The obvious answer is “No.”
Ernest Murry
Total Performance Diagnostics
Contractors Hampered by Federal Regulations
See, I knew it. In the Feb. 10 issue [article] titled “Contractors Endure Regulatory Burden,” contractors are sounding off. Let me make a suggestion. Why don’t you send a reporter to interview Mark R. Levine, author of The Liberty Amendments. In his book, on pages 111-112, he gives a classic example of how the federal government uses the HVAC industry as a whipping boy into compliance with idiotic regulations. The more our industry is squeezed by our government, the more we become a socialist society, then the more you have contractors endure the burden. It is time to neuter the federal government. The United States will always be the United States, but America will not be the America we grew up with.
Jeff Crumrine
Jeff Crumrine Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.
San Antonio
Publication date: 3/24/2014
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