Cheryl Bikowski
Cheryl Bikowski

Business technology is a rapidly growing industry, offering exciting possibilities to businesses. However, along with these new developments are very real security threats that must be dealt with.

It was recently announced that hackers managed to steal more than $1 billion from hundreds of banks by exploiting security flaws. This hack comes on the heels of the notorious Sony hack from 2014 — which cost them hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars, and might have permanently damaged Sony’s global reputation. For companies that do not have the funds and assets of an international conglomerate, the risks associated with security breaches are even more pronounced. What’s more, hackers have become more aggressive and effective in successfully infiltrating private companies over months (or years) in order to execute elaborate hacks of secured data.

The risks associated with hacking should increase in the coming years, which only underlines the importance of implementing robust security measures within every company’s IT infrastructure.

With the rapid growth of mobile device adoption, and particularly the practice of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programs at many companies, securing mobile workplace technology has taken on unprecedented importance.

While there are many steps that go into building a secure mobile workplace technology infrastructure, the following are three vital tips that will help safeguard your company.

Develop a Robust BYOD Policy

Whether your company has already implemented a BYOD policy, or is considering one in the near future (as the majority of companies now are), it is important to develop a robust set of rules designed to protect sensitive company data while also maximizing employee efficiency.

One of the best ways to protect company data is to ensure that any information sent or received on a BYOD device is sent through secured company apps. This means that company emails should not be accessible through a default mail application on a smartphone or tablet. Instead, companies should choose an enterprise-grade email application that will secure and encrypt all information from a BYOD device.

Encryption should not be limited to email; all company information accessed by employees should be secured and encrypted. Every IT department should look at the encryption and security technologies available to find the best fit for their company needs.

In addition, it is critical to require re-authentication on regular intervals, so that hacking risks from lost or compromised devices is minimized as much as possible. Ideally, employees will need to re-authenticate every few hours, or at least once per day.

Ensure That Company Networks Are Secured and Monitored

Securing mobile technology doesn’t begin or end with the mobile device itself. If your company has limited access to sensitive company data (as suggested in the first step), then the true vulnerability for sensitive company data is located within the on-site IT infrastructure. These servers and networks are where hackers will attempt to access sensitive data — protecting them by using the latest firewalls and security programs will further reduce the risks from hackers. Of course, no system is perfectly secure, which is why proactive monitoring of company servers is essential.

Educate Employees About Security Risks

Finally, employees must be well educated on the importance of these security measures; it is imperative to regularly brief them on the latest security measures, security risks, and protocols.

By following these three steps, you will be well on your way to securing your company’s mobile workplace technologies now and in the future.