When I started in journalism I worked for the high school newspaper, The Scroll. Then I went to a college newspaper, The Diamondback (so named because the school mascot was a turtle). Then after graduation I was hired by a daily newspaper, The Courier-News; and now The NEWS.

They all related to print and/or journalism (not counting the turtle connection) — scroll, courier, news. But today, while print is still around, everybody wants to be in cyberspace with online publications. And the names of these online pubs are getting even more creative.

Take, for example, our newest entry: the FROSTlines eNewsletter.

This new eNewsletter is specifically targeted for refrigeration contractors and distributors. Delivered the first Wednesday of every month, FROSTlines contains statistical data, profiles of successful refrigeration strategies, and up-to-the-minute information regarding technology advances.”

So if you’re interested in refrigeration, sign up here to receive the latest news tailored to this market.

Frankly, even those of us who recall days of manual typewriters, typesetters, and lead type with pages assembled with ‘slugs’ on composition tables (if you are too young to understand those terms, don’t ask) find things like the FROSTlines eNewsletter quite informative in this age of rapid communication.