This expert roundtable delivers an update on the battle against hospital-acquired infections — with fronts ranging from a fundamental reporting conundrum to facility staff deployment to HVAC engineers underestimating their power to shift the course of patient outcomes.
Welcome to our post-show issue. We squeezed in a little AHR/ASHRAE content from Chicago last month thanks to a favorable schedule, but now that we’ve returned back home to unpack the suitcase and the virtual mountain of information, we can serve up some follow-up to the week in Chicago.
A variety of standards and codes took center stage in some AHR/ASHRAE highlights, although some of them seem to be heading in completely different directions.
Chaos and order, maybe even yin and yang … however you want to describe it, this year’s AHR and ASHRAE gathering reflected eternally opposing forces at work.
Welcome to our post-show issue. We squeezed in a little AHR/ASHRAE content from Chicago last month thanks to a favorable schedule, but now that we’ve returned back home to unpack the suitcase and the virtual mountain of information, we can serve up some follow-up to the week in Chicago.
We’ve got just enough time this month to open with some news from Chicago, where we are wrapping up another AHR Expo and ASHRAE meeting as we go to press.