Many moons ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing Emmylou Harris for a music magazine. It was midsummer then, too, and the conversation wandered beyond music.<>
This is a little bit out of left field, but I’m curious if any of our readers work for consulting firms who incorporate some community service or some variation on pro bono design work into their company’s culture.
Waste heat recovery innovation doesn’t make the news that often, so when it does, I have to wonder whether you, clever reader, can steer that innovation toward some creative advancements for the HVAC industry.
We’re trying something different this year. Finding ourselves yet again unable to bend the time-space continuum so we could give you print coverage of the AHR Expo and winter ASHRAE meeting in February’s issue, we decided to go ahead and serve up two features of more in-depth coverage in March.
In this section of our post-AHR/ASHRAE coverage, your intrepid editor traverses the carpeted hallways of Las Vegas, taking copious notes at gatherings to discuss two specific standards past, present, and possibly future.
A funny thing happened on the way to the “Should ASHRAE Pursue A Net-Zero Standard?” forum sponsored by ASHRAE TC 2.8 – Building Environmental Impacts & Sustainability.