LAS VEGAS - The city of Las Vegas has announced its adoption of NFPA 1, "Uniform Fire Code" (NFPA 1, UFC), 2003 edition, as the model code for the city's fire code. NFPA 1, UFC integrates two of the most widely adopted fire codes in the country - NFPA 1, "Fire Prevention Code" and the "Uniform Fire Code."

Las Vegas fire and rescue officials have completed amending the code, making sure it meets the specific needs of the city. (The full amendment package can be found on the Fire & Rescue Web site,

The amendments reflect the views of the fire code user community in Las Vegas. By adopting NFPA 1, UFC, the city of Las Vegas is working to ensure that residents are given the highest degree of public safety from hazards caused by fire and explosion, said David Washington, Las Vegas fire chief.

"NFPA 1, 'Uniform Fire Code,' is the best fit for our growing community," said Washington. "I feel that the city of Las Vegas will benefit greatly from working with NFPA and the next generation of the UFC."

All NFPA safety codes and standards are developed through a process accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The 300 NFPA technical committees responsible for developing and updating all codes and standards include 6,000 volunteers, representing enforcing authorities, installation and maintenance, labor, research and testing, insurance, special experts, consumers, and other users.

Publication date: 02/09/2004