The DIGI-Start microprocessor-controlled solid-state starter provides stepless, smooth motor starting on chiller and other hvac applications, the company says. Benefits compared to conventional electromechanical units include a “soft start” to reduce stress on drive components and extended motor life via reduction of motor winding stress, says the company. A single logic control card is common for all horsepower sizes. Selectable parameters include user-selectable overloads, current limit, starting torque, and acceleration time, among others, the manufacturer says.

Softac Systems Ltd., attn: Neil Bowman, 19358 96th Ave., #220, Surrey, BC, Canada V4N 4C1; 604-888-9507; 604-888-1025 (fax); (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #183

Publication date: 01/22/2001
