LYON, France — The Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International and Centre Technique des Industries Aérauliques et Thermiques (CETIAT) announced the joint signing of an independent accredited laboratory agreement. The signing ceremony took place during Fan 2015, an international conference on fan noise, technology, and numerical methods, in Lyon, France.
Effective immediately, CETIAT can perform precertification tests, check tests, and challenge tests per the AMCA Certified Ratings Program as an AMCA independent accredited laboratory.
Both axial and centrifugal fans can be aerodynamically tested from 50-50,000 m3/h with a pressure up to 2,500 Pa per the requirements of ISO 5801: Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways. Sound power levels can be determined using the reverberant room method described by ISO 13347-2 Industrial fans - Determination of fan sound power levels under standardized laboratory conditions - Part 2: Reverberant room method.
“The designation of the laboratory at CETIAT as an AMCA independent accredited lab will allow European companies to test their products more expeditiously and cost effectively by eliminating the need to ship products to the United States,” said Mark Stevens, AMCA deputy executive director.
“We welcome the license agreement between AMCA and CETIAT with great enthusiasm,” said Bernard Brandon, CETIAT general director. “AMCA laboratory accreditation is a recognition of our superior level of service and capabilities in fan performance testing, and the availability of locally-based testing will facilitate AMCA certification for European manufacturers.”
For more information about AMCA, visit
For more information about the AMCA Certified Ratings Program, visit
For more information about CETIAT, visit
Publication date: 5/4/2015
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