• Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute’s (AHRI) Research and Technology Committee established a flammable refrigerants subcommittee designed to develop a set of application requirements for the use of 2L refrigerants.
• The Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) reported a 4.2 percent increase in the total estimated sales of HVACR and plumbing related products, increasing from $362 million in February 2014 to $377 million in February 2015.
• The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) released its first white paper, “Distribution Automation and the Modernized Grid,” on behalf of its distribution automation section.
• The Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH) entered into an agreement with the American Supply Association (ASA) to deliver training products to CIPH members.
• HVAC Excellence (Washington) is seeking presenters through July 30 for its 2016 National HVACR Educators and Trainers Conference.
Publication date: 4/27/2015
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