Company: Armacell LLC
Customer: Converse College, Spartanburg, South Carolina
Installation: Armaflex HVAC piping insulation for Pell Hall, Wilson Hall, Dexter Hall, and the central chilled water plant at Converse College. The work was completed by Waldrop Mechanical Services, Spartanburg, South Carolina.
Completion: Summer 2014
Objective: Insulate chilled and hot water piping in historic buildings without compromising architectural features in time for the start of the 2014-2015 school year.
Work Completed: Replacement and redesign of several thousand feet of HVAC piping installed with AP Armaflex closed-cell elastomeric foam insulation.
Quote: “Armaflex on chilled water piping is a no-brainer. You don’t grow mold on it, and you don’t have to worry about rusted pipe. Ten years from now, if they decide to go into those walls again, that pipe will look just like it did the day we installed it.” — Scott Hall, president, Dean Hall Insulation
Publication date: 1/12/2015
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