At, The NEWS’ Extra Edition page is home to hundreds of online-exclusive service and maintenance, technical, and business-management articles. Here are some of the best.

Btu Buddy 5: A Conversation About Vacuum Procedures

Bob wants to better understand the evacuation of a system. “Think back about how an evacuation works, Bob, and we will discuss some terms,” said Btu Buddy. “The vacuum pump removes vapor from a system. Some technicians think it will remove solids and acids, but no, it only removes vapor. If that acid is in the form of smoke from a motor burn, it will remove that. A vacuum pump is a ‘vapor pump,’ just like a compressor, except it is capable of pumping in very low pressure ranges.”

Activated Carbon for HVAC Applications

Improved IAQ continues to be one of the major issues facing the HVAC industry. The air movement industry has been very effective in the areas of human comfort and the removal of particulates. However, to totally clean the air, the gases and vapors — the chemical pollution that affects health and productivity — must also be removed. For HVAC applications, adsorption is the most effective and economical process. Activated carbon, known as the universal adsorbent, is the most effective adsorbent.

Fabric Duct Can Help Win Projects, Increase Profit Margins

Fabric duct has been used in Europe for more than 30 years, but many American contractors have yet to install their first fabric duct project. However, the number of contractors with no fabric duct experience is diminishing rapidly as it gains acceptance among the country’s best and most progressive architects. Fabric duct is ideal for any application with exposed architectural ceilings. It’s never used when ductwork is hidden in ceilings.

Research Shows Taking Care of Customers is No. 1

You probably have read many times over that taking care of the customer and putting him or her first is essential for business success. However, this is not just an oft-repeated business platitude that sounds good, but nobody can back it up with fact. Business research indicates that, when it comes to buyer loyalty, what keeps consumers coming back has less to do with price and marketing prowess than with how well the company treats its customers, especially when they have a question or complaint.

Publication date: 5/5/2014

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