The P14 202 capacitive humidity sensor has been added to the company’s line of thin-film sensors. Measuring 1.85 by 1.85 mm, it is capable of measuring from 0 percent to 100 percent relative humidity in a temperature range of -58° to 302°F (-50° to 150°C). The assembly of the sensor is fully automated, and the contacts are designed for soldering and bonding. According to the manufacturer, the employment of high-quality materials and manufacturing techniques has allowed it to produce a thin-film humidity sensor with miniature dimensions that features excellent linearity and hysteresis behavior. The P14 202 offers a linearity error of <±1.5 percent rh (15-90 percent rh at 23°C, after one point calibration), and hysteresis of <±1.5 percent rh in a three-hour cycle between 20 percent and 80 percent rh.

Innovative Sensor Technology USA, 4055 S. Spencer St., Ste. 100, Las Vegas, NV 89119; 702-894-9891; 702-894-9993 (fax);;

eProduct 186