LANCASTER, Pa. - Thermacore Inc.’s Thermacore Europe is making progress as lead partner of an $11.4 million European research project, NanoHex. The team is tasked with developing a next-generation liquid coolant that incorporates purpose-engineered nano-particles for more efficient cooling.
According to the company, as the world’s largest collaborative nanotechnology project, NanoHex aims to combat heat build-up in high tech industries with an innovative new coolant that would be up to 40 percent more efficient than traditional coolants. Thermacore Europe Ltd., based in Northumberland, U.K., leads the project and is working in close conjunction with 11 thermal engineering specialists in Europe and Israel.
The nano-particle based cooling systems developed by NanoHex are designed to provide improved thermal management for manufacturing equipment, power generation, rail transportation, and computers and data centers where trends toward greater power and smaller size make cooling a growing challenge. The potential of a nanofluid coolant could also be developed for applications such as medical equipment, radar electronics, aerospace, process industry, consumer electronics, etc.
“It’s an exciting time for all of us at Thermacore Europe, because we’re applying our capabilities in a way that could revolutionize cooling systems for 21st century technology,” said Jerome Toth, Thermacore president and CEO.
“We are proud to be a part of the consortium and believe that the new coolant will help to enable us to keep pace with today’s accelerating technologies and trends that require more sophisticated heat transfer systems.”
In addition to optimized cooling and better overall performance, nanocoolants can also benefit users and designers by reducing emissions, improving fuel efficiency, reducing energy usage, and even recycling heat instead of merely rejecting it, according to the company.
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Publication date:04/26/2010