ATLANTA - The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) will present specific solutions to the everyday challenges of achieving indoor environmental quality within real-world budget constraints, in an upcoming free satellite broadcast and Webcast. “Indoor Environmental Design: Practical Solutions to Everyday Problems,” sponsored by ASHRAE’s Chapter Technology Transfer Committee, will take place from 1 p.m.-4 p.m. EDT, April 18.

“This program will benefit designers, building owners, architects, contractors, and facility managers who are faced with the daily engineering challenge of specifying systems that maximize IAQ, thermal comfort, and noise control,” said Bill Williams, chair of the broadcast committee. “Viewers will be given guidance on how to provide ventilation air that helps protect buildings instead of increasing mold risk, how to avoid the three most common mistakes in ventilation system design and operation, and how to provide comprehensive filtration without breaking their budget.”

Bill Coad, P.E., president of Coad Engineering Enterprises, St. Louis, and past ASHRAE president, will present an overview perspective on indoor environmental quality and introduce the following panel of experts:

• Hoy Bohanon Jr., P.E., owner and consultant, Bohanon Engineering Winston-Salem, N.C., “Ventilation System Design: Avoiding Three Common Mistakes.”

• Lew Harriman, director of research, Mason-Grant, Portsmouth, N.H., “Ventilation Air: First, Do No Harm.”

• Dan Int-Hout, chief engineer, Krueger-HVAC, Richardson, Texas, “Noise, IAQ, and Thermal Comfort – Can You Have It All?”

• Chris Muller, technical director, Purafil, Doraville, Ga., “Behind the Access Door – Advances in Affordable Filtration for IAQ.”

Online registration opens March 1 for satellite broadcast site coordinators and Webcast participants. Registration for satellite downlink viewers begins March 15. For more information, e-mail or call 678-539-1139.

Publication date:02/05/2007