Worthington Industries, Inc. (Columbus, OH) has received the Exporter of the Year award from Ohio Governor Bob Taft. The award annually honors one Ohio company that has distinguished itself in the international marketplace and exemplified the state’s commitment to international trade.
Armstrong Insulation Products
The management of the former Armstrong Insulation Products (AIP), recently purchased by a Dutch venture-financing firm, announced the start of an expansion of company facilities adjacent to its Mebane, NC, manufacturing plant. AIP, now an independent company, will relocate its North American headquarters from Lancaster, PA, to the expanded Mebane offices, and will build a centralized distribution center by year’s end.
Modine Manufacturing
Modine Manufacturing Co. (Racine, WI) expects sales in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001, to be about the same as the year before. But with the required capacity in place to take advantage of new business programs, the company announced that it expects large, incremental increases over the next several years, coming from increased market penetration and new product lines.
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