Company: The Harris Products Group

Product: Aluxcor™

Description: This product line is designed for joining aluminum-to-aluminum, aluminum-to-copper, or aluminum-to-brass. The line is strong and features corrosion resistance. It is available in various formulations for hand brazing and auto brazing applications. It comes in a variety of wire diameters in spools, cut lengths, and rings that are often installed on the return bends prior to shipping to OEMs. Available for HVAC technicians at their wholesalers. For OEM coil manufacturers, Harris has included Aluxcor brazing rings as a turnkey solution to help customers in their move to aluminum. The company also manufactures aluminum return bends built to the OEM’s design. The bends are manufactured to meet precise tolerance. As an added service, Harris can pre-install Aluxcor rings on the return bends. This turnkey service results in improvements to OEM’s brazing operations, a higher first-pass yield, and considerable cost reductions.

Contact: 800-733-4043,, eProduct 185

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