WASHINGTON - The Energy Efficiency Global Forum & Exposition (EE Global), hosted by the Alliance to Save Energy, is a comprehensive international energy-efficiency forum expected to attract an estimated 1,000 industry professionals, policymakers, and academics to forge partnerships and develop best practices, policies, and strategies to respond to the climate, national security, and economic implications of the increasing global demand for energy. There will be four plenary sessions with keynote addresses from high-level international speakers such as Member of European Parliament Lena Ek, Sweden; Environmental Minister, Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Tanja Gönner; U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman; U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns; Chairman & CEO, Whirlpool Corp., Jeff Fettig; Secretary of Energy, Mexico, Georgina Kessel; U.S. Senator Mark Pryor; Director General, World Wildlife Fund International, James R. Leape; Chairman & President, BP America, Bob Malone; and President & CEO, Duke Energy, Jim Rogers.
There will also be a comprehensive exposition with nearly 60 confirmed exhibitors including: international appliance and product manufacturers, government agencies, utilities, associations, national laboratories, and more.
A family-friendly Public Day with experts on hand to analyze home energy bills and provide educational seminars on energy-efficient home and transportation choices will also be offered. The convention will be held Nov. 11-12.
For more information, visit www.eeglobalforum.com.
Publication date:10/22/2007