A 24-page, full-color catalog on the Spectroline® products for HVACR and industrial fluid leak detection is available. The catalog contains information about all the manufacturer’s leak detection lamps and kits, including the portable Optimax™ and Optimax Jr™ LED flashlights and 12-V Titan® UV/Blue lamp. Also highlighted are UV lamps such as the BIB-150P and the Maxima™. Other products include the Cobra™ and the Cobra-6™ multipurpose borescopes and the Marksman™ ultrasonic diagnostic tool. Details about a line of fluorescent dyes for industrial fluid systems such as oil, fuel, hydraulics, and water appear in the catalog. The catalog also provides a chart that shows the correct amount of dye that should be used for different host fluids. Also available is a six-page, full-color brochure on Spectroline leak detection products. The brochure provides information on products such as the Optimax and Optimax Jr, Titan UV/Blue lamps, and the Quad Max Pro™ multifunction LED lamp. The brochure provides easy-to-use dye selection and dosage charts, as well as information about Spectroline tools for adding OEM-approved Ar-Glo® fluorescent dye to a/c and refrigeration systems.
Spectronics Corp., 956 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury, NY 11590; 800-274-8888 or 516-333-4840; 800-491-6868 or 516-333-4859 (fax); www.spectroline.com
eProduct 189