ASHRAE announced that a forum to exchange technology and industry information is being held by ASHRAE, the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), and China Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association (CRAA) at the 2014 AHR Expo.
ASHRAE has announced publication of a newly revised standard for ventilation of health care facilities, which helps designers by providing the minimum requirements for the design of ventilation systems to provide environmental control for comfort, as well as infection and odor control.
With almost 600 skyscrapers providing a dramatic backdrop, it seems appropriate that ASHRAE’s 2014 Winter Conference will focus on the design, development, and operation of tall buildings.
ASHRAE has announced that presentations are being sought for a conference focused on the design, construction, and operation of high performance buildings in developing economies.
Through a memorandum of understanding, ASHRAE and the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) are working together to promote better IAQ in the built environment, ASHRAE announced.
ASHRAE has announced that papers are being sought for an international conference focused on energy-efficient building design and system technologies for energy efficiency.
ASHRAE has announced that a net zero facility, a historic building, a cheese factory, a residence, a college building, and an agriscience farm are being recognized with ASHRAE Technology Awards. These awards recognize outstanding achievements by members in the application of innovative building design.
ASHRAE has accepted an invitation from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to join an effort aimed at improving building performance through a better prepared workforce. The goal is to advance the skill sets of engineers and other professionals involved in building design, operation, and commissioning.
Major changes to requirements regarding building envelope, lighting, mechanical systems, and the energy cost budget are contained in the newly published energy standard from ASHRAE and IES.