ASHRAE and the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) announced that they have agreed in principle to a merger, combining resources to improve IAQ in the built environment.
ASHRAE has announced that guidance on how to incorporate changes regarding the building envelope, mechanical systems, lighting, and the energy cost budget in the 2013 ASHRAE/IES energy standard is included in a new user’s manual.
Under amended Florida legislation, ASHRAE’s building energy rating and labeling program known as Building Energy Quotient (bEQ) now qualifies as an energy rating option for buildings in the state of Florida.
ASHRAE has announced the availability of its newly published Guideline 13-2014, Specifying Building Automation Systems, which provide designers of building automation systems (BAS) with background information, recommendations for good practice, project considerations, and detailed discussion of design options.
Among other things, they also committed the industry to educating itself through continuous learning, advocating for effective land use policies, responding to disasters alongside first responders, and planning for future events with a strategy for fast recovery.
Leaders of the design and construction industry, including ASHRAE, have announced an agreement to incorporate resilience in planning, design, construction, and operational techniques to make the nation’s building infrastructure more safe and secure.
In an effort to provide ventilation requirement consistency, ASHRAE is considering combining two standards into one for dwelling units of multifamily buildings of any height.
ASHRAE, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), and the International Code Council (ICC) have agreed to jointly develop the 2015 edition of the ICC/ASHRAE 700 National Green Building Standard. This is the third edition of the standard and the first time that ASHRAE has partnered in its development.
The city of Chicago now recognizes ASHRAE’s Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP) certification as a data verifier credential under the city’s new Energy Benchmarking Ordinance.