Alyssa Rogers
Alyssa Rogers did not know what a heat pump was until she married her husband, Joey. Now, she is a successful vice president of Rogers Heating & Cooling.
“I married into the industry. My husband grew up in the industry and got the opportunity to purchase the family business,” Alyssa said.
When this opportunity presented itself, Alyssa was working in corporate America. Joey convinced her to leave that career and join the company, which had three employees in addition to the couple.
“Here we are four years later with 25 employees and looking to expand into other market areas. Best decision ever,” Alyssa said.
Her first order of business was to create a plan. This plan included a company name change, a logo, van wraps, letterhead, and a total financial overhaul. The plan was released in January 2018. This is when Rogers Heating & Cooling was born.
Rogers Heating & Cooling and their entire truck wrap won an honorable mention in the 2018 Tops in Trucks competition. The brand creation launched Rogers from $815,000 in annual revenue with five employees in 2017 to a projected $6 million in annual revenue with 25 employees in 2022.
Alyssa’s vision and skillset have been instrumental in the rapid growth of Rogers. She oversees the office operations and has created a culture that is customer experience focused and team oriented. She was the only one in the office when she started in 2017 and now has a full-time staff of eight. Alyssa says creating a team environment that makes team members comfortable coming to work each day is very important to her.