Company: Ice Air

Product:  Domestic (CCHPD) series of air-sourced heat pumps and hot water heaters

Description: Ice Air introduced its Cold Climate Heat Pump Domestic (CCHPD) series of air-sourced heat pumps and hot water heaters designed to operate at temperatures as low as -13°F. Ice Air’s engineering enables CCHPD units to operate with extremely efficient coefficients of performance (COPs) of over 5.36 in extremely hot temperatures (115°F) or 1.42 in the extreme cold (-13°F). With a COP of 1.42 in extreme cold, Ice Air’s CCHPD series is 1.43 times more efficient than typical electrical resistant installations. CCHPD units can fit into existing openings with little hassle.

Contact: 914-668-4700;; eProduct 184

All product information is provided by the manufacturers. For questions or any further information, contact the manufacturer directly at the phone number and/or email listed.

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