Publication date: 07/24/2006
Canada Cuts More CFCs
ONTARIO, Canada - Canadian environmentalists and HVAC officials are marking a milestone with the final phase out of CFCs in chillers operating in Ontario." It is a cause for some celebration to note that the largest remaining use of CFCs, that of commercial chillers, will be closed out by the biggest user province, Ontario," said Beatrice Olivastri, CEO, Friends of the Earth. "With more than 3,000 CFC using chillers still across Canada, Ontario has half of them. The change out is a win for the ozone layer globally and for the energy efficiency in Ontario." Based on the Canadian National Action Plan to protect the ozone layer, provinces are required to regulate the management of ozone depleting chemicals including measures to prohibit the refill of CFC chillers and to require collection and disposal of the CFCs. British Columbia was first to announce its regulation while Ontario has become the latest to adhere to the plan. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have not yet produced their regulation. "After five years of operating a voluntary extended producer responsibility program to collect and dispose of CFCs, it's time to level the playing field," said Warren Heeley, president of the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada. "All industry players need to commit to this program, and regulation will make it happen."