AUSTIN, TX – Texas governor Rick Perry signed a bill to adopt the International Residential Code as the municipal residential building code for the state of Texas. The bill goes into effect on September 1, 2001, and gives cities until January 1, 2002 to transition and begin enforcing the new code.

The code provides municipalities with the authority to adopt local amendments to the code, establish procedures for the administration and enforcement of the code, and review and consider amendments and new editions of the code, which covers one- and two-family dwellings. This is the first statewide residential building code in Texas.

“I believe that the adoption of the International Building Code will improve the homebuilding industry in Texas,” said Representative Allan Ritter (D), a member of the Texas Association of Builders (TAB). “The use of a single code throughout the state will lead to consistent code enforcement, higher quality construction, and less confusion in the construction process.

“I believe this bill will result in more affordable and safer homes.”

Publication date: 07/09/2001