Abrams, (left) CEO of Clockwork Home Services and Eddie Collier, president of
Direct Energy Services, announced the combining of the two companies, forming
the largest home services company in North America.
Making a mark early in the year, Abrams and fellow Clockwork co-founder John Young appeared alongside Donald Trump, Sharon Osborne, and many other celebrities in an episode of “The Celebrity Apprentice.” The two-hour episode, centered on Clockwork and its three major brands - One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning®; Benjamin Franklin Plumbing®; and Mister Sparky® - noted the beginning of further branding campaign efforts to make Clockwork Home Services’ brands household names.
“Almost 8 million viewers got to hear about our three brands for a two-hour period of time and I think the brand was very well represented,” said Abrams. “Bret Michaels and Ivanka Trump have both used our companies for service, because they were so impressed with the message our brands sent out.”
Although there aren’t any current plans for a future appearance on the prime time show, Abrams did say that people shouldn’t be surprised to see the brands showing up in movies and television shows in the years to come.
Outside of small screen celebrity, Clockwork experienced the largest change of 2010 when it was purchased by Direct Energy, an integrated energy and services company, and a subsidiary of Centrica plc. Following approval by Clockwork’s shareholders and receipt of U.S. regulatory approval, the combined Direct Energy Services and Clockwork Home Services business is now considered to be North America’s largest provider of heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical services.
In essence, the $183 million acquisition of the assets and business of Clockwork created a new playing field for the home services franchisor and brought new value and opportunities to those participating and looking to participate in the programs offered by Clockwork. New exit strategy capital, expanded group buying power, and access to new markets were some of the top benefits produced from this mid-year deal. The combined organization operates across the United States and Canada, providing repair and maintenance services to customers’ heating and cooling systems as well as energy efficiency related services to both homes and businesses.
Remaining as CEO, Abrams continues leading Clockwork with the almost 300 copyrights and trademarks, special pricing systems, patents, and business methodologies that allow the company to generate, “the most business per service episode across the world.”
Now with 10 years at Clockwork and an eventful 2010 under his belt, Abrams finds himself looking back with gratitude and forward with expectation.
“I’m in the service business and for the contractor community ask yourself this, ‘How many times do you find customers, that have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past years of relationship, and yet there they stand willing to publicly say, ‘Thank you,’ for serving them?” said Abrams. “When you are in the service business, it’s a great feeling to have your customers thank you for the service you provided.”

Jim Abrams
Sidebar: 2010 NEWSmakers
Name:Jim AbramsTitle:CEO
Company: Clockwork Home Services
Location:Sarasota, Fla.
Notable Quote:“We thought of the name and the message to the public before we ever started the organization. Clockwork Home Services® has certainly exceeded John Young’s and my fondest expectations as to where we would be at the 10 year mark. We’re very pleased with where it’s gone and what it’s become.”
Publication date:12/20/2010
Editor's Note: Subsequent to the printing of this article, Jim Abrams, co-founder and CEO of Clockwork Home Services, has decided to step back from his day-to-day CEO responsibilities - effective Dec. 31 - and assume a role as special advisor to Clockwork, Direct Energy, and Centrica, Direct Energy’s UK based parent company. Scott Boose will succeed Abrams as president of Clockwork Home Services.