Right now, the HVAC industry is short about 80,000 workers. Other estimates put the shortage at around 100,000. Mix in the fact that the current HVAC workforce is graying, and things don’t look hopeful. The only solution seems to be to get the next generation (Gen Z) to join the HVAC field. Needless to say, HVAC needs Gen Z. But fortunately, Gen Z needs HVAC — or at least, the types of career opportunities the field can provide. More and more surveys are showing that what Gen Z wants out of a career is to know that they are doing something meaningful, and adding value in some way. They also don’t want any debt, have aspirations to start their own business, and want job security. Sounds like HVAC might be the perfect fit for them. Yet, the issue is that a lot of Gen Z doesn’t even know what the HVAC field has to offer. So, it’s up to the HVAC industry to get the word out. And it seems like they already are. Recent numbers are showing about a 10% decrease in college enrollment, while apprenticeships have seen a 15% jump.

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