Owner: Darrel Yashinsky

Location: Concord, Ontario, Canada

Years in Business: 16

Total Employees: 19

Total Sales for 2014: $2.8 million

“We realize our team is our most important asset,” Yashinsky said. “Without them, the company would not function. We take the time to help them with issues that are important to them as individuals and have helped them overcome professional and personal challenges. Our team members are not numbers but part of a family that cares about them. We understand that if we take care of our employees, they will take care of our customers.”


Owner: Eric Pullen

Location: New Orleans

Years in Business: 49

Total Employees: Nine

Total Sales for 2014: $1.2 million

“Pullen AC is the best place to work because it’s a trustworthy company that takes pride in what its employees do,” said Pullen. “Overall, Pullen offers stability within an industry that is notoriously volatile and unpredictable.”


Owner: Brian Leech

Location: Des Moines, Iowa

Years in Business: 18

Total Employees: 50

Total Sales for 2014: $6.4 million

“It’s not about HVAC,” Leech said. “It’s all about our core purpose: improving lives. That is why we exist — to improve the lives of our team members, clients, and community. We are a double-digit-profitable contractor that has grown about 17 percent annually. We have a strong culture and live our core values on a daily basis. We are not perfect by any means, but we have our values, purpose, and strategy to make a big impact on a lot of people. We are the largest 100 percent residential contractor in our area, pay our people 30 percent more than the rest of the market, train people from the ground up, and have the stats to prove that we do it well. We are not all about making money for the shareholders. We have a compelling vision and the top talent to get us there. That is why we believe we are the Best Contractor to Work For.”

Publication date: 1/25/2016 

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