Name: Scott Hunt

Title: Senior technician and principal at Palmers Heating & Air Conditioning in Thomasville, North Carolina

Why He’s Tech of the Month: Scott Hunt helped start his family’s business, Palmers Heating & Air Conditioning, more than 30 years ago. Now, as senior technician, he handles everything from call scheduling and customer service to installations and repair.

“His technical skills have been absolutely phenomenal in their progression,” said Doug Hunt, Scott Hunt’s brother and business partner. “From his training and hands-on in-field experience, he has become, in my opinion, one of the best technicians I’ve seen.”

Scott Hunt’s biggest asset is his doggedness, Doug Hunt said, adding that he refuses to accept defeat and will not allow a problem to go unsolved. He’s also known for having exceptional people skills.

“I’m a people person, and I learn best when I put my hands on something,” Scott Hunt said. “I love fixing stuff. I love the gratification of fixing something, especially if another company has been there before me and couldn’t resolve the issue.”

Doug Hunt said his brother “has a way of making people understand the technical aspect” and is good at earning the customer’s trust. “He is just a stand-up and dependable technician, friend, and brother,” he added.

Scott Hunt shared some parting advice with prospective HVACR technicians.

“A lot of these guys want to get right out of school and into a service truck, but you need to start at ground level,” he said. “Be a helper, an installer, and then a service guy. That way, you get to work your way up, and you get to understand the industry much better.”

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Publication date: 10/19/2015