DALLAS — In conjunction with the AHR Expo, DuPont made an announcement in regards to the ‘No Action Assurance’ letter from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) setting production and import rights for virgin R-22 at 39 million pounds in 2013 versus 55 million pounds in 2012.

Jim Bachman, North American sales and marketing manager, DuPont Refrigerants, said, “There are significant reductions in R-22 supply, indicating an immediate need for refrigerant management planning including retrofit to R-22 alternatives like DuPont™ ISCEON® MO99™ and refrigerant recovery and reclaim.

“We have worked with the industry throughout the R-22 phase-out, and will continue to do so. DuPont has an active refrigerant recovery and reclaim program. However, the rate of reclaim seen by the industry in recent years will not be sufficient to fill the gap in available R-22. Other steps including service practice improvements and retrofits to R-22 alternatives are needed to accelerate the move away from R-22,” said Bachman.

Publication date: 2/18/2013