Model HEP-FP is a fan filter unit that provides filtered air into a clean space using onboard fans to push air through a HEPA filter. Supply air enters the unit and is filtered twice - first through a MERV 8 prefilter, then through a HEPA filter. The HEPA filter is 99.99 percent efficient at removing 0.3-micron particles from the supply air. A choice of 115, 220, and 277V permanent split capacitor-type fan motor with direct-drive forward curved fan is available. The unit develops 90 fpm, ±10 fpm, average face velocity 6 inches below the filter face. The modules are available in dimensions of 24 inches by 24 inches and 24 inches by 48 inches; special module sizes are available.

Precision Air Products Co., 544 Sixteenth Ave. South, Hopkins, MN 55343; 800-404-0931 or 952-854-4121; 952-854-4543 (fax);

eProduct #183