At a press briefing, the company announced the launching of EnVisioneering which focuses on "bringing higher levels of engineering innovation and collaboration to the challenges of energy efficiency and environmental responsibility for customers in the industries in which they operate."
"Our customers today are facing pressure to be more energy efficient and environmentally responsible," said Joe Orosz, president of Danfoss Turbocor and former president of Danfoss Commercial Compressors.
"Danfoss is a natural partner to help them respond proactively with the right technology to meet and exceed the challenges including 13 SEER, rising energy costs, new Department of Engineering (DOE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements, U.S. Green Building Council guidelines, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) criteria, and requirements of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005, to name a few."
The emphasis on engineering innovation, energy efficiency, and environmental responsibility "creates strong partnerships," according to Orosz.
As part of the process, the company announced plans to convene a forum titled EnVisioneering the Future of HVACR to explore global issues, trends, and technologies.
"We need to bring more than our own vision to bear on the industry's most critical challenges," said Orosz. "We need to convene senior executives in the HVACR industry as well as energy and environmental analysts, and decision- and policy-makers.
Topics are expected to include global energy demand, sources of energy, cost-effective energy technologies, emissions, security, new trends in product manufacturing as related to use of raw and recycled materials, and strategic options for the private and public sector.
For more information, visit www.envisioneering.danfoss.com.
Publication date: 02/13/2006