WACO, Texas — Neighborly® celebrated another milestone year in 2018.

Last June, the company announced The Riverside Co.’s sale of Neighborly to private equity partner Harvest Partners LP. Neighborly also completed two acquisitions: Real Property Management and Mosquito Joe. This brings the total number of service brands under the Neighborly umbrella to 20.  

Neighborly grew to a total of nearly 3,600 franchisees across nine countries in 2018. The company sold a total of 325 new franchise units across its brands. In addition, the company’s annual systemwide sales reached a total of $2 billion.

“This past year was a period of transformation and growth for Neighborly,” said Mike Bidwell, president and CEO of Neighborly. “We changed our company name after 37 years from Dwyer Group to Neighborly, completed three major acquisition deals, and put our company on a new growth trajectory. We are thankful for our amazing corporate team and franchisees who make it all possible. We look forward to continued growth in the years to come.”

Other highlights for the year included the launch of The Neighborly Project — an initiative to honor a veteran with complimentary home repair services — and the introduction of GetNeighborly.com version 2.0, which updated the company’s website platform. 

“As we move forward, Neighborly will continue to grow and flourish in new ways we never thought possible,” Bidwell added. “I look forward to seeing how the successes of 2018 impact the future of Neighborly and its brands in this new year.”

Publication date: 2/8/2019 

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